Bitcoin Private Key Finder

The Private Key Finder is currently outdated, please use our Cloud Search solution for the Bitcoin Puzzle private key search.

Free online tool for fast scanning random Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash private keys and finding addresses with balance.

Start key in HEX format. Defaults to MIN.
End key in HEX format. Defaults to MAX.



Bitcoin Key Finder uses your CPU to generate private keys and check their balance without making heavy internet requests. Instead of checking the balance of each address, an address is matched against a database of funded addresses.

Instead of viewing the random private keys page and checking balances manually, you can use this tool to generate random private keys and check their balance automatically at high speed.

Bitcoin Key Scanner supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash, Ethereum blockchains.

Our scanner's database (last updated 18/02/2025) contains 17,168,198 funded addresses:
  • Bitcoin addresses with the balance greater or equal 0.01 BTC;
  • Bitcoin Cash addresses with the balance greater or equal 1 BCH;
  • Litecoin addresses with the balance greater or equal 1 LTC;
  • Dogecoin addresses with the balance greater or equal 100,000 DOGE;
  • Dash addresses with the balance greater or equal 1 DASH;
  • Zcash addresses with the balance greater or equal 1 ZEC;
  • Ethereum addresses with the balance greater or equal 0.1 ETH.

Private Key Finder uses a space-efficient probabilistic data structure to store funded addresses. It has a compact size, but it may produce false positives. In other words, Finder shows addresses that possibly have balance.

Currently, it's not possible to make complex GPU calculations in the browser using JavaScript. But you can use our Cloud Search solution.

The scanner's database contains the special address 1TESTBG6u25RyTH329JDoizpTjDeE3oMJ with the private key 1f4d17b013af895a8b4725235203d72cca248534dcc5daf17570698c177f4317 and zero balance for testing purposes. Choose "Self-test" preset, press "Start" and wait until the address is found.

A found balance will be paid to the payout address specified. Payouts are made manually ASAP.

30% will be subtracted from the found balance before payout as the service fee.


Payout Address Scan Rate Keys Scanned
No active users found.

* Statistics refreshes automatically every minute.