
On this page you can download Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin balances dumps for use in Brainflayer and BitCrack.

File Size Last Updated Description
all.bin.gz 1.34 GB 19/04/2024 Funded addresses* (Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash/Dash/Dogecoin/Litecoin/Zcash/Ethereum) in BIN format for use in Brainflayer
all.blf.gz 454.76 MB 19/04/2024 Funded addresses* (Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash/Dash/Dogecoin/Litecoin/Zcash/Ethereum) in BLF format for use in Brainflayer
all.hex.gz 1.54 GB 19/04/2024 Funded addresses* (Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash/Dash/Dogecoin/Litecoin/Zcash/Ethereum) in HEX format for use in Brainflayer
bitcoin-all-used.txt.gz 29.16 GB 09/03/2024 All Bitcoin addresses ever used
bitcoin-cash.hex.gz 135.4 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Bitcoin Cash Node addresses in HEX format (hash160s) for use in Brainflayer
bitcoin-cash.tsv.gz 640.14 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Bitcoin Cash addresses with balance
bitcoin-sv.hex.gz 138.57 MB 12/06/2022 Funded Bitcoin SV addresses in HEX format (hash160s) for use in Brainflayer
bitcoin-sv.tsv.gz 0.99 GB 12/06/2022 Funded Bitcoin SV addresses with balance
bitcoin-v1.txt.gz 525.03 MB 19/04/2024 Funded V1 Addresses (Bitcoin/Bitcoin SV) for use in BitCrack
bitcoin.hex.gz 201.65 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Bitcoin addresses in HEX format (hash160s) for use in Brainflayer
bitcoin.tsv.gz 1.45 GB 19/04/2024 Funded Bitcoin addresses with balance
brainwallet.txt.gz 78.44 kB 16/03/2024 List of 19,701 used Bitcoin brainwallets, created from weak passphrases
dash.hex.gz 24.75 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Dash addresses in HEX format (hash160s) for use in Brainflayer
dash.tsv.gz 40.55 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Dash addresses with balance
dogecoin.hex.gz 109.57 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Dogecoin addresses in HEX format (hash160s) for use in Brainflayer
dogecoin.tsv.gz 168.12 MB 14/04/2024 Funded Dogecoin addresses with balance
ethereum.hex.gz 1.23 GB 19/04/2024 Funded Ethereum addresses (without 0x prefix) for use in Brainflayer
ethereum.tsv.gz 3.12 GB 14/04/2024 Funded Ethereum addresses with balance
litecoin.hex.gz 33.78 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Litecoin addresses in HEX format (hash160s) for use in Brainflayer
litecoin.tsv.gz 224.44 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Litecoin addresses with balance
zcash.hex.gz 4.32 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Zcash addresses in HEX format (hash160s) for use in Brainflayer
zcash.tsv.gz 20.77 MB 19/04/2024 Funded Zcash addresses with balance

* contains addresses with balance more than or equal 0.001 for all cryptocurrencies to reduce file size and search false positive rate.


Usage in Brainflayer

Incremental private key brute-force mode:

# brainflayer -v -b all.blf -f all.bin -c ucex -I {START_KEY}

Check private keys in HEX format from file/generator:

# cat private_keys.txt | brainflayer -v -b all.blf -f all.bin -c uce -t priv -x

Check passphrases from file/generator:

# cat passphrases.txt | brainflayer -v -b all.blf -f all.bin -c uce
Usage in BitCrack

Incremental private key brute-force mode:

xxBitCrack.exe --keyspace {START_KEY}:{END_KEY} -u -c -i bitcoin-v1.txt